Automatic Updates: #
If you have registered your installation with the purchased license key, all updates become available directly into your Dashboard. In addition to the regular update messages of WordPress, also the Brooklyn Theme Option inform you about possible updates.
Update the theme via FTP: #
- log in at themeforest
- go to your downloads section
- download all files ( you will automatically get the most recent version )
- unzip
- upload the “brooklyn” folder into the following folder on your FTP server wp-content/themes
- after you have uploaded the entire folder the theme itself is already up to date
- now go to Appearance > Install Plugins and move your mouse pointer over each plugin name . If an update link appears , hit this link to update the plugin as well. If this step fails, please have a look here
Update the theme via plugin #
Before you move on, please make sure you have installed the following plugin:
- Download the latest zip file for your theme.
- Log into your WordPress site.
- Go to Appearance > Themes.
- Click the Install Themes tab.
- Click the Upload link below the main page tabs.
- Select the zip file with the new theme version to install.
- Select Yes from the “Upgrade existing theme?” option.
- Click Install Now.
- now go to Appearance > Install Plugins and move your mouse pointer over each plugin name . If an update link appears , hit this link to update the plugin as well. If this step fails, please have a look here
What about the child theme? #
If you are using a child theme. You need to compare the changes we have made with the custom file you got. If you are using windows we can recommend a tool like: To see which files we have changed with the update please open the changelog.txt inside the brooklyn folder. We have added a note which makes it easier to find changes in files.